36 Saltwood Street, Red Beach, Auckland
17 Grover Street, Orewa, Auckland
I know how precious your time and money is so I strive to keep class prices low and affordable for everyone. Re-centred Pilatess is also baby friendly so you can bring your little one and take some time for yourself
Pilates is not only safe but one of the best things you can do for your body when pregnant. Because it focuses on your core, stability, and strength it will improve posture, alleviate backaches, and ultimately help with labour and delivery. Classes are kept small and tailored to your personal needs, so it doesn’t matter if you are experienced, a beginner or what trimester you’re in
False! From the 2nd trimester traditional abdominal work like sit ups become unsafe but you can still work your abdominals in a safe way. We want strong supportive abdominals for posture, control, and childbirth. Without Enough abdominal support it can lead to poor posture, lower back and pelvic pain and Diastasis Recti. It may also alter position of the baby in the uterus and make recovery that much more challenging after childbirth.
Absolutely! The right exercises during pregnancy can help shorten the second stage of labour and improve recovery. Labour is like running a marathon and Pilates helps develop much needed strength, endurance, and focus. It also teaches you how to breath correctly which is a great tool in labour.
If you are a high risk pregnancy and have experienced multiple miscarriages, you will need medical clearance from your Doctor before you start. Normally by the second trimester your doctor will allow you to return to exercise unless you have a medical reason you cannot exercise. You should know that Pilates is not linked to miscarriage
Once your baby is born It’s very normal to have a 1-2cm separation early post-partum, this usually closes as the abdominals shrink back to their normal length and regain strength. If this does not close it can weaken your core and lead to back or pelvic pain. Pilates is perfect for diastasis recti as it involves pelvic floor and deep abdominal exercises which strengthen the right muscles encouraging the gap to close
It is recommended that you wait till 6-8 weeks after a vaginal delivery and 8-10 weeks after a c-section. It’s important that you have the clearance form your healthcare professional. The post-natal mat series is a great way to start as it is specific to the needs of the post-natal body. It focuses on reactivating your deep abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, improving your stability, and helps you to reconnect with your body after birth
Yes absolutely! One of the best things about Mummylates is that babies are welcome. In the Post-natal classes there are always playmates and toys set up so everyone has a great experience.
It’s normal for woman to have a weakened Pelvic floor after having babies and can plague women for years after giving birth. If the pelvic floor is not re-activated and rehabilitated it will stay weak and potentially lead to some form of incontinence. Most woman will actually bear down instead of drawing the Pelvic Floor up, which is in part responsible for Incontinence. In class we focus on how to release and re-activate the pelvic floor which will lessen or eliminate this leaking. Learning to breath correctly and activate the deep abdominals also plays a very important part in fixing incontinence
17 Grover Street, Orewa, Auckland |
027 3220032